Cleaning Services

Professional cleaning services tailored for any size company.

Customised Cleaning Plans

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List of Services

We’ll take care of everything for you.

We provide comprehensive cleaning techniques for various flooring materials including hardwood, tile, laminate, vinyl, concrete, and carpet.
  • Steam mopping
  • General sweeping
  • High power vacuuming
  • Spot cleaning
A clean and sanitised bathroom is an essential for any workspace. At Cleancorp we are meticulous with our bathroom cleaning.
  • Cleaning toilets
  • Scrubbing sinks and countertops
  • Wiping down mirrors
  • Refilling soap and paper dispensers
  • Emptying rubbish bins
We take kitchen cleanliness for your commercial space seriously, covering all the bases to ensure your space is hygienic for all your food preparation needs.
  • Wipe down countertops
  • Clean sink and faucet
  • Degrease stove top and range hood
  • Clean appliances and microwave
These are the areas of your given commercial space such as hallways and corridors, reception areas, meeting rooms and entrances and exits. 
  • Wipe down countertops
  • High power vacuuming
  • Spot cleaning
  • Sanitise surfaces
All rubbish and waste on the premises is removed by our team during the cleaning process.
  • General Waste Collection
  • Recycling Program Management
  • Replenish bin tags and liners
When it comes to window cleaning we endeavour to leave them gleaming, streak free after each cleancorp service.
  • Squeegee exterior and interior window glass
  • Window frames and sills
  • Window tracks and channels